Children and Education

Children of asylum seekers are one of the most vulnerable groups of children in Israel. They live without a regulated status, excluded from many services, denied many rights, and in financial distress. Without clear  documentation of the number of children of asylum seekers in Israel, it is estimated that there are about 8,000 throughout the country.

Since the establishment of ASSAF, we have been fighting for equal rights and services for Children of asylum seekers in education, health and welfare. We strive for the integration and inclusion of children of asylum seekers in schools and kindergartens throughout the country, and the protection and safety of children at risk. In recent years, we have been fighting to eradicate the segregation between children of asylum seekers and Israeli children in the education system, and to strengthen the educational responses to children in order to reduce the developmental difficulties and educational gaps they experience.

The ASSAF youth club is a warm and welcoming space for teens from the asylum seekers community, many of whom are at risk. The club provides children with a safe and supportive environment in which they feel loved and valued. Besides unique activities like therapeutic dog handling, the kids get help with homework and a place to play, eat and study together.

Public Activity

Since the establishment of ASSAF, we have been advocating for better policies regarding the rights of children of asylum seekers, in the fields of education, health and welfare. We work to exercise rights and make services accessible to this population, and help deal with cases of discrimination. In addition, we are involved in legal fights against local municipalities that refuse to enroll children of asylum seekers in schools and educational institutions, or that segregate them from other children.

Reports and Position Papers

Shutting The Door On You – Situation Report regarding Children of Refugees and Asylum seekers in Israel 2023

Children of asylum seekers in Israel: key educational issues and recommendations June 2020

Legal Battles

Ending segregation in Petah Tikva 2019